Rotarians across District 5440,
Welcome to the new Rotary Year ‘24-‘25 and the Magic of Rotary!
As of July 1, District 5440 has so many faces to welcome - new presidents, new president elects, club boards, our cadre of new AGs (now called Area Governors! and our new DGN, Albon Shaw.  In addition, a big Rotary welcome to our newest committee chairs at both the district and club levels! 
Besides the District Governor Line there are so many new, and excited, Rotarians who can help you and your clubs– our Technology Chair Carl Dierschow, our Public Information Chair Kerrie Luginbill, new Membership Chair Lori Garrison, and new Rotaract Chair Carole Boughton are available by phone, or email. Their experience and insight will be a big help to you as you plan and produce a great Rotary year.
You all are where The Magic of Rotary lies – it lies in all of us! And with the Rotary Action Plan in hand and RI resources galore – clubs I can’t wait to watch you in action!
Along with our wonderful DG Line I am excited to begin our club visits. In the coming weeks we will look forward to the many club and board conversations we will have in all fifty seven clubs and across approximately 136,500 square miles of Rotary in District 5440.
Here’s to Rotary Magic,