#45-Hate, Violence, Reconciliation & Healing

Working with his sister and brother, Daoud Nassar (on the left in the photo above) serves as the Director for this project. The land itself is owned by his family who registered the property in 1924-1925 during the British Mandate period when they grew grapes, fruit, and olive trees. Despite this long history of documented ownership, the family has been fighting a legal battle to keep hold of the land since it was classified as ‘Israeli State Land’ and thus threatened with confiscation in 1991. Apparently, the Israeli military sees strategic value in this hilltop land.
#46-Environmental Peacebulding

This young Rotary Club in Ngozi, Burundi, is in one of the poorest nations in the world. It is emerging from a legacy of colonial control and exploitation that led to 40 years of civil war. Despite these obstacles, these Rotarians embraced “service in action” to help a poor mountain community improve their water system and health. In partnership with the University of Ngozi, a central commitment for these efforts is to promote sustainable peacebuilding!