Training and Events in
District 5440 and Beyond

District 5440's annual calendar includes both training sessions and special events to enhance your Rotary experience. Training not only increases understanding of Rotary and its initiatives, but also develops leadership skills and community impact. Our special events include time to learn more about this wonderful organization and the opportunity to build lasting friendships with others who share the same heart for serving the world. Check out the calendar and upcoming events list below or scroll down to learn more about our major training seminars and events.


District Assemblies

October 7, 2023 - Laramie County Community  College, Cheyenne, WY.  Click here to register.

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI)

RLI is a training program established to substantially improve Rotary knowledge and leadership skills for future leaders in Rotary clubs and our District, in other words - all Rotarians. The exchange of ideas with other experienced Rotarians alone makes the courses worthwhile. 

President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) will be held March 1-4, 2024 at the Westin at Westminter, CO.  Follow for registration, hotel and speaker information as it becomes available.